Family Advent Project

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church -FLC Rm 161 202 W. Kronkosky St., Boerne, TX, United States

Help CDA support this well-attended Family Advent event - more details to follow  

Widows/Widowers’ Luncheon

Cana Ballroom 202 W. Kronkosky, Boerne, TX, United States

There will be a luncheon for the widows/widowers of St. Peter’s on Sunday, April 7th at noon.  Michelle Lee is asking for some desserts from CDA.  Attached is a sign-up to bring desserts.  If you could bring them to the Cana Ballroom by 11:00 a.m. that would be great.  Your dessert should feed between 10-12 people. […]

Widow/Widowers’ Luncheon

Cana Ballroom 202 W. Kronkosky, Boerne, TX, United States

Below is the sign-up genius for support of this event to either bring desserts, help with serving or both! Sign up to help

Family Advent Project

St. Francis Hall

Help make this memorable for the families of our parish